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Community Emergency Plans


The Parish Council is in the process of drafting Community Emergency Plans for each

village within the parish.  These plans come into effect in the event of a major emergency,

such as heavy snowfall, flooding, a major fire, or the closure of the A39 due to a major accident. 


Below are some useful phone numbers and advice in the event of an emergency. 



Environment Agency Flood line for advice - 0345 988 1188

Environment Agency incident hotline for 24hr reporting- 0800 80 70 60


You can keep up to date by signing up for EA flood warnings with the following link:

Please take care on the roads and remember to not attempt to drive through flood water.


Cornwall Council Highways (CORMAC) including flooding, trees down, road closures and road works - 0300 1234 222

Issues can also be reported online


Cornwall Council Adults & Children Safeguarding - 0300 123 1116


National Gas Emergency - gas leaks - 0800 111 999


Environment Agency - pollution of land or rivers - 0800 80 70 60


Western Power - power cuts - 0800 365 900


SWW water or sewage leak -  0344 346 2020


Your local co-ordinator contact details

Feock - Vacancy - please get in touch if you would like to help. 

Point & Penpol - Vacancy - please get in touch if you would like to help. 

Carnon Downs - Alan Ramsden

Devoran - Vacancy - please get in touch if you would like to help. 

Parish Council - Debra Roberts, Parish Clerk, 


The plan will be especially useful in times of adverse weather which may affect a large part of the county and having a plan will ensure that we can help each other locally before emergency services are able to get to us if there are areas of the county that are more badly affected than Feock parish. 


The plans are an initial ‘first aid’ response before outside assistance arrives, the plans will contain an audit of hazards (such as industrial sites within the parish), resources and skills in the local community (ie. rest/shelter centres (generally Churches/village halls) GPs, vets, people with 4x4's, tractors, chainsaw certificates etc.) and is a plan of who is available to help in the event of an emergency.  


For example someone with a tractor or 4 x 4 may be able to ferry medical staff into a village to deliver medical supplies or treat a resident who needs medical attention, or it could be that you are happy to volunteer to just check up on a vulnerable resident in times of adverse weather, like the snowfall we saw earlier in 2018 to ensure they are ok and have supplies and medicines. 


The plans will contain contact details of people who can provide assistance in an emergency but this would only be in a major emergency, when the plan would be activated by Cornwall Council. Their contact details would not be made public and the plan is kept in a secure area at County Hall and only available to their emergency staff, emergency services and plan co-ordinators. 


Carnon Downs Councillor, Paul Lightfoot is taking the overall lead on this project and the plans will be produced one village at a time, with a co-ordinator from the residents for each village.  


Grit bins - new grit bins have recently been installed in Carnon Downs (Old Carnon Hill and Quenchwell Road), Feock on the main road at the top of Trolver Hill and Devoran in the yard outside of the Parish Council office. 


These are available to be used by residents in times of adverse weather to spread on the road and pavements in their local area. 


Please complete the form below to volunteer your help, services and skills as part of the Community Emergency Plan for the parish.  We are compiling and list of volunteers over the next couple of months to feed into the plan. 


Please remember that if are part of a volunteer flood group and you activate your Community Emergency Plan or Community Flood Plan, phone CFRS Critical Control on 02031622240 when this is activated, or for advice and guidance before, during or after an emergency.

If life is at risk then please call 999.


Other useful contact numbers can be found below:

  • Environment Agency Flood line for advice- 0345 988 1188

  • Environment Agency incident hotline for 24hr reporting- 0800 80 70 60

You can keep up to date by signing up for EA flood warnings with the following link:


Please take care on the roads and remember to not attempt to drive through flood water.









Carnon Downs snow11.jpg

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