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Wellbeing projects

Community Connect Feock and 

Healthy Ageing through Innovation in Rural Europe (HAIRE) 


The Council has committed funding in its 2018/19 and 2019/20 budget to help fund a Project Co-ordinator and

Community Navigator to work on a social prescribing project in conjunction with Kernow Clinical Commissioning

Group, local surgeries and organisations.


We are delighted that our Community Navigator, Sharon Nettleton started in the role in November 2018.  You can contact Sharon by email or phone 07747 750962.


The Parish Council is looking to facilitate the bringing together of people and offering new opportunities for people to want to get out and about. Not only is this good for our wellbeing but there  are lots of things going on and many interesting things to see on our doorstep.


Healthy Ageing through Innovation in Rural Europe (HAIRE) - February 2020

The Parish Council has been invited to take part as a pilot area (one of only two pilots in the UK),

in a European Interreg 2 Seas Project starting in Spring 2020 in association with the University of

Exeter and other European partners.  The project will build on Community Connect and work with

and for people aged 60+ to develop services and facilities of benefit to them. The aim is to reduce

the loneliness and feeling of isolation which can affect many of us as we grow older.

An important part of the project will focus on building on the strengths of our community and

inter-generational activities


The project will develop and test systems that empower and enable older people (aged 60+ and no longer employed) in rural areas to:

  • define what support they need;

  • participate in the design and delivery of services;

  • develop solutions for themselves to reduce loneliness and improve quality of life, health and wellbeing, based on their own interests, capabilities and preferences, and supported by the voluntary, private and public sectors.


The project aims to:

  • reduce isolation and loneliness & improve wellbeing in the 60+ age group;

  • increase collaboration between participating agencies and Voluntary & Community Sector Organisations (VCSOs);

  • improve rural community vitality;

  • increase active participation of older people & voluntary sector in service design & delivery;

  • create new models of service delivery.


We will be recruiting a Project Co-ordinator and Project Administration Assistant to be based in our office in Devoran to help with the local implementation of this project, more details of these vacancies will be available on this page shortly.


We will also be looking to recruit volunteers to assist with the project and this will involve meeting with older members of the community to find out their views on their needs and the community in which they live. Similarly if you are a member of the community (aged 60 years plus) and would be willing to take part in the project and give us your views please get in touch.


If you would be interested in volunteering, giving us your views or the Project Co-ordinator or Administration Assistant positions, you can get in touch with Cllr Keith Hambly-Staite, email or Debra Roberts, Parish Clerk via or 01872 863333 for an informal chat.


We recently attended the launch meeting in Lille in France where Cllr Keith Hambly-Staite gave a presentation about the parish of Feock and what we hope to achieve by being a pilot site.  Did you know that 42.3% of the population of the parish are aged 60+ ? 


Cllr Hambly-Staite said "In a changing world, with an increasing older population, we need to find new ways of doing things that both increase individual health and well being and build more sustainable communities. Together we can break ‘out of the box’ more easily, generate interest, energy and excitement through collaboration, learn, compare and contrast new ideas and develop activities and systems appropriate to our own needs and cultures. We can create ways of doing things that are a legacy for a future generation. Enjoy working with different people as we endeavour to meet the challenges ahead in the fields of well being and building sustainable communities."

























Cornwall Link

Did you know that about the Cornwall Link website? This provides details of groups and activities listed to help connect people to their communities. You can search by village or activity. 


Do you run a group and are not listed? You can go onto their website and add your details by going to 'Offer a Service' so your group is included.  Visit it at   


If you would also like to have your event listed on our website or a link to your organisation please email details to  We can also display posters on our noticeboard in the Devoran library if you email these to us or drop a copy in.  Our community events and local groups page can be found here 



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