Parish Council Elections 2025
Parish and town councils are the most local tier of local government. Councillors make decisions that influence how the Council works. The decisions they make affect the lives of everyone who lives, works or visits the parish or town or town Councillors are representatives of their community with a connection to the area, acting with integrity to make the best decisions for residents on local services in the area.
‘The Small Print’
To be a Councillor you must:
be at least 18 years old
be a British, commonwealth or EU citizen
be on the electoral register, or have lived, worked or owned property in the parish for at least twelve months before the date of election
you cannot be an employee of the council
I am interested what next?
If you think that this could be for you, contact Feock Parish Council and attend its next meeting. Contact Debra Roberts, the Parish Clerk (01872 863333 or clerk@feockparishcouncil.gov.uk) who will be happy to explain the work of the Parish Council and answer any questions. Have a look at our website and understand what our council does – www.feockparishcouncil.gov.uk
The next Parish Council meetings are being held at 6pm at the Parish Council Office in Devoran on:
Monday 10th March
Monday 24th March
The candidate papers will be available from the Parish Council in hard copy or electronically from Cornwall Council by contacting them:
By email voter-registration@cornwall.gov.uk
Phone - 01872 324196
Papers need to be returned to a designated Cornwall Council office by 4pm on 2nd April 2025.
Election timetable
Publication of notice of election: Friday 14th March 2025
Close of nominations: Wednesday 2nd April 2025 – 4pm
Polling Day: Thursday 1st May 2025
​Information leaflets
The below are links to useful leaflets about standing as a Councillor and can be downloaded.
Get Involved - Make a Difference​
Standing for election to Feock Parish Council