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There are two aspects to this project, the first being the Lengthsman+ scheme and the second the

Community Volunteering project scheme. 


The Lengthsman+ scheme hopes to provide a maintenance/enhancement scheme to supplement

the currently reducing maintenance programme of work carried out by Cornwall Council to keep

the drains, gutters, footways and cycleways in a better condition and therefore reduce winter

flooding and damage to roads. We are currently working with Cornwall Council to set up a

partnerhsip to provide betterand enhanced management of the maintenance of verges, footways

and drains at a more local level through the Parish Council.


A form for you to report issues in your area (ie. blocked drains) is now available here on this website, you can still phone us on 01872 863333 as well to report issues. Any problems the Parish Council is unable to deal with will be passed to Cornwall Council for action.


We live in such a lovely parish and the Community Volunteering project will aim to engage members of the community in improving common land areas of the parish, for example an un-kept patch of land that could be improved with planting of trees and flowers and a little of bit of work which will enhance the visual appearance of the area.


If you have any suggestions for areas that could benefit from a community project or you would like to volunteer please contact or call into the Parish Council Office.


Latest news!
Community project to tidy area of land in Market Street
Posted 17 March 2015
The first project will be to tidy the patch of land in Market Street which has a bench and the

Parish Council noticeboard sited on it. We hope to tidy it and plant some scented flowers and

herbs, to create an edible garden for the community.  


Devoran Scouts have already kindly volunteered to help and if anyone else would like to

volunteer please contact Debra in the office, or if you have some plants you would like to

donate again please let Debra know. 


Come and see us to find out more!

Call into the Parish Council office in Devoran or email us

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