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Update on Quenchwell Road development in Carnon Downs

We have been asked to help get the below message to residents regarding work starting on the 14 houses on Quenchwell Road.

PA19/11087 | Reserved matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for 14 dwellings (use class C3) following outline approval PA16/10402 | Land East Of Quenchwell Road Carnon Downs - planning permission granted.

From Iain Hayward, Production Director, Burrington Estates

Please may I apologise for the impersonal way of getting this information to you, ordinarily we would prefer to personally write to you or knock on doors to introduce ourselves however unfortunately due to the current situation our admin staff have been furloughed and we do not believe we should be knocking on peoples doors.

This note is to simply introduce ourselves as Burrington Estates and we are going to be responsible for carrying out the development in Quenchwell Road, Carnon Downs. The development consists of seven Private and seven Housing Association homes with our intention being to commence on or around the 4th May 2020.

For the first six to seven weeks our Groundworking Contractor, MJL Contractors will be on site as Principal Contractor after which Burrington Estates will take over the PC role. During our time on site we will maintain a high level of health, safety and security and with the Coronavirus situation that we find our selves in we will be working to industry guidelines in terms of social distancing and protection of both our operatives and the general public. May we ask that from a health & safety point of view you do not enter the site un invited at any time but instead use the contact details that we have provided below.

As I have already stated we do plan to commence work on the site during w/c 4th May and expect the development to take around 13 months to complete with the intention of providing a showhome towards the end of this year.

We are clearly very mindful of the fact that we are working in a residential area and are therefore aware of the need to ensure any disturbance is kept to a minimum however realistically the nature of our industry means there may well be certain situations where an element of inconvenience or disturbance is unavoidable and may we apologise for that in advance but please be assured that we will do our utmost to ensure that this is kept to a minimum.

Regards working hours, whilst there are no restrictions attached to the Planning Permission it will be our intention to adhere to the following;

- Monday to Friday 0800hrs to 1800hrs

- Saturday 0800 hrs to 1300 hrs

- Sunday & Bank Holiday, no work unless prior arrangement made with Cornwall Council

Further to my comment above re communication please find email addresses below;

For the first six weeks whilst MJL are on site please direct any issues to Steve Alford;

Burrington Estates Site Manager will be Shaun arsden;

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