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Dyson's Field opening

The 13th July 2024. A warm summers day. A group of people gathered in a field somewhere on the Tramway between Point and Devoran.The reason? A field once used to grow vegetables had been gifted by Mary Dyson and her family to Feock Parish Council on behalf of the community and the gathering was to celebrate the occasion.

The field now to be known as Dysons Field has been planted with indigenous trees and apple and plum trees which will reflect the heritage of the area. Wild flowers will sown together with bulbs to be planted in the hedgerows. The purpose of the planting is to enhance the biodiversity of the area and to provide an additional space in the parish for relaxation and enjoyment.

The Chairman of Feock Parish Council, Cllr Richard Brickell welcomed Mrs Mary Dyson and guests and thanked her for the family’s generous gift. Mrs Dyson in response said that it was good to see the field so delightfully set out and hoped that it would be used by local people for picnics and recreation or just for sitting on one of the benches to admire the creekside views.

Cllr Keith Hambly-Staite, on behalf of the Council thanked those involved in preparing the field for its new role. To John Lanyon and his son Edwin for the planting plan and the planting of the trees, to Cllr Martyn Alvey, Cabinet Member for the Environment at Cornwall Council for facilitating the provision of trees through the Forest for Cornwall scheme and his financial contribution to the purchase of benches, he thanked Phil and Peter Allen  who laid out the benches, and made the approach to the field safe and accessible and to the Chairman who had for the past week been seen mowing the field ready for the opening and the sowing of the wild flower seed and to Mrs Debra Roberts, Parish Clerk, for coordinating the essential paperwork and facilitating communication with the family.

As guests enjoyed drinks and cakes in the summer sunshine the Chairman invited Mary Dyson to plant a tree to commemorate the transfer of the ownership of the field to the community through Feock Parish Council. It now joins the other public spaces owned by the council for the benefit and well being of the local community. As the trees grow Dyson's Field will become a great asset; a place that can be used for education as well as recreation and a resting space for all those who walk and cycle along the Tramway between Point and Devoran.


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